Abstract: IT동아 강형석 기자] 모처럼 렌즈교환식 카메라 시장이 흥미롭게 흘러간다. 소니가 주름잡고 있던 풀프레임 미러리스 카메라 시장에 니콘과 캐논이 나란히 입성했기 때문이다. 2019년에는 라이카·시그마·파나소닉 세 카메라 브랜드가 연합해 하나의 통합 플랫폼(L마운트)을 바탕으로 각각의 색채를 담은 풀프레임 미러리스 카메라를 선보일 예정이다. 본의 아니게 풀프레임 미러리스 카메라 풍년이 될 예정이다.시작은 니콘이 조금 빨랐다. 지난 9월 하반기에 Z7을...
Abstract: 며칠전 DSLR 카메라 제조사의 양대산맥이라 할 수 있는 캐논과 니콘이 며칠 간격으로 서로 2015 풀프레임 DSLR 신제품을 발표 했습니다. 계속 루머로 흘러 나오긴 했지만 캐논은 5000만화소 중형에 맞먹을 수 있는 5Ds, 5Ds R 그리고 니콘은 D810A라는 천체사진을 위한 DSLR 을 발표 했습니다.초고화소의 DSLR 풀프레임은 지금까지 니콘이 발표한 3600만 화소의 D800인데 저도 꽤 오래 사용을 했던 카메라이기도 합니다.이번에 캐논이 ...
Abstract: Analysis Recommendations This all-content, junk-free website's biggest source of support is when you use any of these links to approved sources when you get anything, regardless of the country in which you live. Thanks for helping me help you! Ken. Sony v...
Published: 2020-06-08, Author: Paul , review by: dxomark.com
Abstract: Achieving very similar overall DxOMark Sensor Scores of 87 points for the EOS 5DS and 86 points for the EOS 5DS R, these are the best results we've measured on a Canon sensor to date. An improvement of 5 points compared to the previous Canon champion, the...
Abstract: Last updated: November 21, 2017Landscape shooters have a unique set of needs and requirements for their gear. On the image quality side of things, a good landscape camera should offer plenty of resolution and lots of dynamic range; from a physical standpo...
Abstract: Last updated: November 21, 2017If you're a serious enthusiast or working pro, the very best digital cameras on the market will cost you at least $2000. That's a lot of money, but generally speaking these cameras offer the highest resolution, the best buil...
Abstract: Last updated: November 21, 2017Landscape shooters have a unique set of needs and requirements for their gear. On the image quality side of things, a good landscape camera should offer plenty of resolution and lots of dynamic range; from a physical standpo...
Google is holding a competition that could see your Pixel photos gracing millions of screens. Nikon's 100th birthday party continues worldwide as a distributor in Italy organized a one-of-a-kind feat: assembling the world's largest 'human camera' from ov...
Abstract: At the introduction of the Canon 5Ds and 5Ds R, there was talk of the new norm for resolution for an SLR camera. Even so, the number of megapixels on a sensor is not the only factor that determines the resolution. The quality of the lenses used and the im...
Abstract: After six months of using the Canon EOS 5DS and 5DS R to shoot a variety of subjects, from product photography and wildlife to a wedding, Callum McInerney-Riley reveals how the cameras performedLike many Canon owners, when rumours of a new 5D began to cir...