The Best Prosumer camera is…Given how well the Nikon D500 performed in last year's test, this was a much closer result than we expected. However, the Fujifilm X-T2 consistently turned in better images with better detail and less noise in all the situation...
The Best Prosumer camera is…Given how well the Nikon D500 performed in last year's test, this was a much closer result than we expected. However, the Fujifilm X-T2 consistently turned in better images with better detail and less noise in all the situation...
Abstract: Note: This article was first published in the February 2017 issue of HWM.Smaller, lighter, and more affordable while offering professional-level performance. Those are the hallmarks of prosumer cameras that appeal to both professionals and serious enthusi...
Abstract: Before we begin our shootout, let us answer the question on what is the mark of a prosumer camera?Broadly speaking, this class of cameras is able to deliver on most commercial jobs, yet generally priced within the reach of a serious enthusiast or professi...
Published: 2016-04-16, Author: Wilson , review by:
Abstract: The arrival of Nikon's D500 has been a long time coming. The last professional-grade D300s was out back in 2009, and if you consider that as a minor update to the D300, the range has taken more than nine years to update since 2007.So, the preview that Nik...
当年D7100媒体座谈会上,尼康研发人员就曾与媒体交流推出DX旗舰的想法,在全画幅门槛逐步降低的背景下,不少媒体的反应是D7100改进一下已经足够好了。没想到佳能、尼康先后都推出了自己的APS-C旗舰,可以说两家最终还是决定用实际产品去试试这块市场需求到底有多大。现如今全画幅售价不断走低,“底大一级压死人”的思想已经深入人心,对于APS-C旗舰来说,强项自然是对焦、连拍等机身性能,软肋则是传感器面积小,画质较差。而画质和定价是此类机型成败的关键,前车之鉴EOS 7D Mark II由于画质一般,强悍...