Abstract: IT동아 강형석 기자] D300, D300s를 끝으로 니콘의 DX포맷(35mm 필름 대비 1.5배 작은 센서) 기함은 자취를 감췄다. 해외 루머 사이트에서나 간혹 모습을 드러낼 뿐, 아쉽게도 실체를 볼 수 없다. 오히려 지금은 상징적인 숫자(제품명)보다 가격이나 사양으로 그 성격을 구분 짓는 모습이다. 그런 관점에서 본 D7200은 이제 더 이상 과거의 숫자를 잊어도 될 수준의 존재감을 품었다.D7200은 D7000을 시작으로 3세대에 접어든 니콘 D...
니콘 DSLR 카메라의 특징 중 하나로 ‘하극상'을 꼽는 사람들이 많다. 나중에 나온 보급형 카메라가 이전에 나온 상위 모델보다 더 나은' 혹은 비슷한 성능을 가지고 나오는 경우가 많아서 벌어지는 일이다. 대상으로 한 소비자층에 맞춰 철저히 선을 긋는(심지어 있는 기능도 펌웨어로 잠그는) 캐논과는 다르다.D7200은 이전 모델인 D7100에 비해 엄청나게 큰 성능향상을 가져 온 카메라는 아니다. 오히려 비교 대상은 상위 기종인 D750이 되어야 한다....
Abstract: Last updated: December 4, 2018If you're looking for a high-quality camera, you don't need to spend a ton of cash, nor do you need to buy the latest and greatest new product on the market. If you're willing to miss out on some features, you can save a lot...
Abstract: Last updated: December 4, 2018If you're looking for a high-quality camera, you don't need to spend a ton of cash, nor do you need to buy the latest and greatest new product on the market. If you're willing to miss out on some features, you can save a lot...
Google is holding a competition that could see your Pixel photos gracing millions of screens. Nikon's 100th birthday party continues worldwide as a distributor in Italy organized a one-of-a-kind feat: assembling the world's largest 'human camera' from ov...
Abstract: These days, many (if not most) consumers are likely to shop based on price and capability, rather than according to whether a certain model contains a mirror, or not. We think this is a good thing; with all the increased competition, cameras are improving...
Abstract: These days, many (if not most) consumers are likely to shop based on price and capability, rather than according to whether a certain model contains a mirror, or not. We think this is a good thing; with all the increased competition, cameras are improving...
Abstract: In late 2015, many (if not most) consumers are likely to shop based on price and capability, rather than according to whether a certain model contains a mirror, or not. We think this is a good thing; with all the increased competition, cameras are improvi...