Abstract: With the raw mechanics of RAID out of the way, we're now ready to get some fun out of this QNAP TS-451 NAS. You'll have realised by now that it's a lot more than a chunk of 11TB of storage on my LAN. The daemons we talked about in part 1 can be set to wor...
Abstract: Last time I talked about QNAP updates and promised to say more about the 6 GB Red drives that Western Digital has supplied to help me through this NAS Server review. The NAS updates have galloped forwards since then, and we're now on a major update versio...
Our NAS user experience has been limited to just one brand since we began looking this sector but today our eyes have been opened to the other options which are available by way of QNAP's solutions and its evident we're mightily impressed.Time and again w...
Abstract: In the first part of this series I said something about the general use of network attached storage (NAS) devices and whinged a good deal about the problems of explaining the capabilities of one with as many tricks up its sleeve as the QNAP TS-451. But en...
Abstract: I'VE SPENT THE PAST thirty-plus years trying to make sense of IT in a way that folks without specialist knowledge can understand. When the PC arrived at the beginning of the '80s it was already the most complex device ever put before the public, and in th...
Strong all-round performance, Polished QTS operating system, New and improved price point, Exhaustive feature set, Low power consumption
Plastic construction feels cheap
Qnap's TS-451 has always been an impressive NAS, but now with a new-and-improved price, it's a NAS that SOHO users should seriously consider.Available for £350, or £400 for a 4GB model, the four-bay unit features an up-to-date Intel Celeron J1800 proc...
Abstract: 這幾年 SoC 的效能突飛猛進,連 NAS 市場也受到不小的影響,先前已有廠商導入 Intel CE 系列處理器至 NAS 之中,效能相較於先前採用 ARM SoC 的版本高出不少,近期 QNAP 威聯通更將 Bay Trail-D 核心的 Celeron 應用至 TS-251、TS-451 產品中。有在關心 NAS 這幾年發展的朋友都曉得,因應行動裝置的蓬勃發展,在人手多機的情況下,擁有 1 個能夠隨時存取資料的儲存空間相當重要,也因此逐漸帶動個人家庭的 NAS 需求。且相較於過去家用 NAS 比 US...
Abstract: ↑ 純白色系的TS-451真是亮眼的設計。我自己滿喜歡在家裡享受一人電影院的感受,當然遇到大片像是這幾天的哥吉拉,我還是會去電影院挺「哥」的場子,哥超帥的。而在家中多半也是透過NAS來負責電影的儲存(兼下載噓),現在市面上NAS也滿多款提供HDMI直接輸出的機種,對我來說NAS擁有HDMI功能,就包辦了多媒體播放器,如此一來NAS不僅能夠儲存、播放,而且還有著不錯的效能,真是讓人動心。提到擁有HDMI直出的NAS機種,多半都採用Intel Atom CPU居多,雖然Atom的省電滿接近Marvell系...