Corsair is selling the SP2500 for Rs. 12,200, which is a lot more than some of the popular 2.1 speakers such as the legendary Altec Lansing MX5021 for example. The MX5021 is hard to find these days, but with vey few good options in the market, this is ...
Powerful bass, impressive mids and highs, excellent stereo imaging and soundstaging, wires remote with LCD, option of upgrading firmware in future
Bass should have been punchier, mids could have had a bit more clarity, no wireless remote, speakers aren't wall-mountable, speakers not adjustable, expensive
The Corsair SP2500 is priced at Rs. 12,500 plus taxes. For that price you get a very powerful speaker system that also comes with a lot of bells and whistles, but more importantly sounds good. Still, to be honest, what we heard was nowhere near as impr...
Abstract: Belakangan Corsair memang mulai memasuki industri Audio. Setelah sukses dengan headphone gaming HS1 , kini hadir juga SP2500. Speaker 2.1 yang sanggup memanjakan telinga penggunanya. Corsair SP2500, merupakan seperangkat speaker yang dirancang untuk kebu...
Corsair ne s'est une nouvelle fois pas trompé avec son kit son 2.1 SP2500. Puissant avec son total de 232W RMS, il vous fera vibrer au sens propre comme au sens figuré grâce à un son précis et puissant que nous n’avons pas vraiment l’habitude d’entendr...