Compulsive kart-racing action, A great mix of old and new tracks, Good 3D graphics and strong online gameplay
Not innovative, but who cares?, A lot of recycled content, but who's bothered
Mario Kart 7 is still Mario Kart, and in many ways it's a ‘Best of' Mario Kart that does very little to push the series forwards. Still, who cares? It's comfortably the best of the Kart racing breed and one of the best handheld games you can play, with gr...
Mario Kart 7 is a complete return to form, and is one of the best 3DS games available. Don't trade your console in just yet!More Articles >>> ...
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Published: 2011-12-01, Author: Lee , review by:
Abstract: It's hard to believe, but the Mario Kart series—as of this year--is 20 years old. Super Mario Kart , released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System back in 1992, was a critical and commercial success, and paved the way for the many iterations to fol...
Given that, I think it's fair to say that Mario Kart 7 fulfils the majority of its objectives and remains the best kart racer on the market today, even if it doesn't go quite as far as I would like in exploiting its new features. As Sega, Nicktoons, an...
Abstract: It's easy to say that if you've played one Mario Kart, you've played them all. Though some iterations of the game have been a little more daring than others, for the most part that's true. Mario Kart is the the same as it ever was; 3 tight laps around a c...
Encore une fois, le retro gamer en moi est impressionné par la capacité de Nintendo à marier old-school et nouveauté sans pour autant faire fuir le fan du rétro et en offrir assez pour le joueur novice. Petit déception au niveau de l’utilisation forcée...
Jouabilité toujours aussi bonne, 32 circuits de qualité, dont des remakes bien retravaillés, Mode multijoueurs à 8, Réalisation impeccable, Retour des pièces d'or
Vue interne peu convaincante, Manque de dynamisme en 50 et 100 cc
On ne change pas une équipe qui gagne. À ce titre, Mario Kart 7 ne révolutionne pas la série mais apporte quelques nouveautés sympathiques. Les circuits sont bien pensés et l'on retrouve l'essentiel des bonus pour exploser ses adversaires, en particuli...