Abstract: As a child, I used to believe that there was more to the world than meets the eye. Not fairies, of course. Nothing so diaphanous or innocent. Growing up in Malaysia, my imagination swarmed with hungry ghosts and pontianaks, and all the other things that g...
Plenty of eccentric Yo-kai beings to meet, It's a pleasure to explore the town and interact with characters, Excellent translation that makes the story more interesting.
Oversimplified combat, Baffling game mechanics that only serve to slow down progress,
Surprising amount of depth, Great Yo-kai designs, Boss battles
Immature sense of humour, Side quests are a grind
It's easy to see why Japan has fallen head over heels for Yo-Kai Watch. It's a fun and captivating adventure, set in a town that's bursting with life. If you can look past the fart jokes and moderate difficulty level, then this game tackles some interest...
Fiendish difficulty spikes, Not the richest or deepest RPG
Forget any sneering Pokémon comparisons. Yo-Kai Watch looks sure to be a monster hit with the 3DS's school age audience, but it might also make a fair few friends among older gamers. It's not the deepest or richest game that Level 5 has ever come up with...
Yo-Kai Watch might look like a pocket monster clone with a fumbling battle system, but it's the genuinely endearing cast of characters and Yo-Kai who give it enough heart to be more than just a simple copycat. It's not the next Pokémon, but it certainly i...
Surprising amount of depth, Great Yo-kai designs, Boss battles
Immature sense of humour, Side quests are a grind
It's easy to see why Japan has fallen head over heels for Yo-Kai Watch. It's a fun and captivating adventure, set in a town that's bursting with life.If you can look past the fart jokes and moderate difficulty level, then this game tackles some interestin...
Rich worldbuilding, Charm and personality, Boss fights
Passive battles, Some tedious quests
As an RPG, Yo-Kai Watch mostly fumbles its battle system and creates a relatively passive experience. However, I adored exploring every corner of its compelling world. The low difficulty ultimately works in its favor — I was always eager to move on to the...
Un contenu qui ne se moque pas de nous, Beau et coloré, Chouette bande son, et doublages en français, L'utilisation de StreetPass, Chouette mise en scène
Beaucoup trop répétitif, Système de combat superficiel, Histoire anecdotique, Mêmes environnements et boss que dans Yo-Kai Watch 2
Pas particulièrement fan de la licence, j'ai tout de même su apprécier son univers fort coloré avec ce spin-off, dont le contenu m'a presque estomaqué. Si je lui préférerai malgré tout la série Donjon Mystère, notamment pour la plus grande profondeur de g...