Testseek.com have collected 115 expert reviews of the Far Cry: Primal and the average rating is 76%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Far Cry: Primal.
February 2016
115 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
While this is a different direction for the Far Cry series, Far Cry Primal is an excellent entry into the franchise. While it might not be the best introduction to the franchise, it's certainly one the fans of Far Cry should definitely check out and those...
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Published: 2016-02-22, Author: Adam , review by: mashable.com
Huge living world, The trademark gameplay works great even without guns, Lots of potential for future exploration in this setting
Unfocused story, Unpredictable animal kingdom feels muted compared to past games, Large disparity between moment-to-moment action and endgame challenges
Far Cry PrimalThe GoodHuge living world • The trademark gameplay works great even without guns • Lots of potential for future exploration in this settingThe BadUnfocused story • Unpredictable animal kingdom feels muted compared to past games • Large dispa...
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Published: 2016-02-22, Author: Jada , review by: nerdreactor.com
Far Cry Primal sets out to give us a look into the lives of our earliest heritage and it succeeds in doing so. While the story was by far not my favorite element due to the lack of urgency and development for the player's character, it still has enough of...
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Published: 2016-02-22, Author: Mike , review by: gamezone.com
Abstract: When Far Cry 4 graced my console, I fully expected to unleash chaos in the Himalayan-inspired Kyrat, while mostly enjoying the same old activities I've grown to love in Far Cry 3. I totally did . Far Cry 4 certainly added some refinements from its predece...
Abstract: Far Cry has always been very good at getting the player into an open world and letting them interact with nature. However, the reasons for arriving there haven't always been as strong. It's how you end up with frat boy turned tribal warrior Jason Brody. I...
Abstract: Well, that didn't take Ubisoft long, eh? Yesterday's tease via stream lasted only a day before the French publisher couldn't stand the excitement anymore and announced Far Cry Primal. Here's what we've learned since then.Far Cry Primal takes place in 10,0...
The hackneyed story doesn't detract from the thrilling world and new challenges of 10,000BC.
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Published: 2016-03-29, Author: Mike , review by: itwire.com
Abstract: It's not the Far Cry to start your Far Cry foray, but it is a hell of a lot of fun.Far Cry games are about as Ubisoft formulaic (as far as that companies big AAA releases are concerned) as they come.Open world, violent, progression based around building u...
Abstract: Developer: Ubisoft MontrealPublisher: UbisoftRelease Date: March 1, 2016Platform: PS4, Xbox One, PC (Reviewed)Genre: Open-world RPGMSRP: $59.99I can confidently say that Far Cry: Primal is one of the best games I've played in recent years. It's a fascinat...
Abstract: There aren't many modern first person shooter franchises that could release a game set 12,000 years prior to all previous entries and not miss a beat. Without some kind of clumsy alien or time travel conceit, the likes of Call of Duty or Halo would have a tough time on an Earth lacking firearms. But then, the shooting was never what made Far Cry so interesting....