Published: 2016-11-15, Author: Ben , review by:
Abstract: DSWithout trying to flog a dead horse two years after it was first released, not many people, us included, enjoyed the original Watch Dogs video game. It was a pretty dull representation of life as a hacktavist, with uninspiring tools at your disposal and...
Published: 2016-11-15, Author: Simon , review by:
Abstract: Three weeks before Watch Dogs 2's release, hackers co-opted millions of connected devices around the world - principally security cameras, but also other web-connected domestic devices - and combined their power in an attack that took great swathes of the...
If someone is definitely standing in your way, you have a few more options before you decide to rock and roll with an assault rifle. I had success flagging enemies attacking me as criminals or gang traitors, leading to police showing up to arrest the targ...
Published: 2016-11-14, Author: Adam , review by:
Hacking feels amazing, The world is alive, Stealth is so rewarding, Feels so fresh to play
Frame rate is inconsistent, Checkpoints can be unforgiving, Story wraps up a little quickly
Watch Dogs 2 completely washes away the bad taste of the first game. The characters are likeable and fun, and it's a world full of brilliant distractions that you can't stop yourself from taking part in. Although the plot does wrap up a little quickly to...
Published: 2016-11-14, Author: Mike , review by:
Great looking open-world, huge and hackable secondary layer, ditches the dark and drab serious nature of the original, go stealth or go hard: play as you desire
Driving mechanics are still pants, lacks polish in some areas, repetition in missions, a bit zany and can feel like it's trying too hard, some frame-rate issues
Watch Dogs 2 is a calculated departure from the original game. It's brighter, zanier, broader-reaching and more focused on fun - without the hype to drag it down this time around.But it often feels like it's trying a bit too hard. The mishmash of characte...
Fun, well-drawn characters, Interesting, varied missions with cool ideas, Open-world gameplay gives you options, Seamless multiplayer co-op offers mixes things up
Combat and stealth are more irritating than empowering, Not enough opportunities to hack creatively
As open-world games go, Watch Dogs 2 provides something that feels a little bit unique in terms of story and gameplay. Its emphasis on hacking as a means of solving problems is unlike any other title of similar formula, and its satirical, comedic but less...
More engaging heroes and anarchic humour, Strong and entertaining mission design, Great setting and fun side-activities, Better tools and more freedom to use them your way
Movement doesn't always feel under full control, Dim-witted AI
Watch Dogs 2 is no great leap forward, but it sees the series headed in the right direction with more colour, more flair and a real sense of fun. The action's solid and the mission design much less generic, while Ubisoft Montreal has given you a great set...
Published: 2016-06-09, Author: Keith , review by:
Abstract: For all their talk of realism and authenticity, video game developers rarely seek to reflect modern society, or the lives that most of us are living. Grand Theft Auto V produced a ribald, frenzied pastiche of LA, complete with vacuous movie stars and soci...
More of the things that made Watch Dogs 2 great, Human Conditions is a whole lot of fun even while tackling some important issues. Just don't expect this DLC to drastically change things, as the minor gripes from the core game persist in the extra content...