Abstract: MAG, otherwise known as Massive Action Game, has never been short of ambition. Cramming 256 players into a single FPS multiplayer match is no small task at the best of times, but doing it on home consoles is unprecedented. Nevertheless, this is what Z...
Abstract: It's such an uneven and eventually tiring experience, I think this is a good foundation on which to build a franchise, its just they need to make it so much more.
Abstract: Video review: $109.95 M PlayStation 3 3.5/5 True to its name, Massive Action Game (MAG) hosts some of the biggest battles ever seen for online console shooters. MAG is an online multiplayer first person shooter (FPS), with no single player campaigns or multiplayer...
An elegant command structure, user-friendly command system, and XP rewards for following orders provide real motivation to work together; doing so successfully can provide a thrilling feeling of beating impossible odds
Barebones matchmaking and game-selection make each match a crapshoot; until more players learn the importance of teamwork, the game experience will continue to be uneven and unpredictable
MAG is a manifesto on the importance of working together, and when everything clicks, it's exhilarating. The difficulty is finding 127 other players who realise that the game simply cannot be won without teamwork...
Abstract: Massive Action GameMAG is easily one of the world's most ambitious online first person shooters that boasts a whopping 256-players as they work in teams to achieve their bloody objectives. Set in a quasi future that has seen the military world taken o...
Abstract: It's not like we haven't had enough shooters over time. In fact, we could probably fill up a Scrooge McDuck sized vault. But MAG (Massive Action Game) is trying to do things a little differently. How is it possible after all this time to have a shooter...
Abstract: I’ll be honest and say that I wasn’t holding out much hope for a game entitled “Massive Action Game”. It seemed to me like the marketing department at Zipper Interactive had given up and were just rolling this title out to meet looming deadlines. Howev...