Gears Of War: Judgment represents the pinnacle of the series on Xbox 360. While it might not follow the story of the classic previous games, but it is an exciting one none the less. The clever flashback mechanics complement the Gears universe, which...
Abstract: The first Gears of War gave Microsoft the death-match trifecta (the others being Call of Duty and Halo) that essentially ensured prosperous sales of the Xbox 360 for the lifetime of the console. Unfortunately, while Gears of War 2 features vast improv...
Abstract: Hype is a terrible, terrible thing… every year without fail there is always at least one game that publishers decide needs the hard-sell and as a result gets carefully marketed by those PR guys and gals with clever ideas to build the hype to an insurmo...
Intense gameplay, Stunning visuals, Great animation, Impressive enemy AI, Frightening creatures, The Chainsaw, Coop mode
Friendly AI are a bit naff, Lack of multiplayer modes, Some more weapons would have been nice
Multi-player On Xbox live Gears of War is every bit as good as I’d expected. The Americans have had a head start getting the game a week earlier than us Europeans and already seem to have perfected the art of the sniper head shot. My first introduct...
Abstract: Showcased way back at E3 2004 as a tech demo for the Unreal 3 engine, Gears of War (GoW) has managed to garner quit a bit of attention for itself. As time passed by, Epic kept throwing tit-bits of the game at us, till E3 2005 this year when they showca...
Abstract: In "Gears of War 3" tritt nun eine weitere Bedrohung auf den Plan: sogenannte Leuchtende - Locusts, die mit einer gelblich schimmernden Imulsion in Berührung kamen, mutierten und nun nach ausreichendem Beschuss meist in gewaltigen Explosionen verglühen. P...
Abstract: Gears of war är det ultimata actionspelet. Flera testare skriver att detta är det snyggaste spelet hittills på Xbox 360.
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Published: 2006-11-17, Author: Andreas , review by:
Abstract: Det ligger en blöt pöl på golvet. Strumporna har blivit alldeles genomsura av saliv och tungan hänger ur mungipan. Samtidigt svider tummarna av utmattning och ögonen är sedan länge alldeles rödsprängda. Solen h...
Abstract: Frågan är om något spel fått uppleva mer hype än Gears of War i år och pressen på Epic Games har varit enorm både från media och Microsoft. Cliff Blezsinksi och de andra på företaget tycks dock ha tagit det hela med ro och varför skulle de inte göra de...