Abstract: This set of wireless speakers from Griffin is one of the coolest audio products weve seen for some time. Each 140x140x140mm speaker has an internal battery that is charged when they are placed on the base unit. This means you can carry them around ...
Abstract: It is no exaggeration to say that I. Love. These. Speakers. Theyre wireless speakers which can actually be used wirelessly, because they hold the power they gain when theyre based on the main unit. Its what iPods, and I, have been waiting for.
We were really impressed by Griffins latest offering. Their versatility makes them an option for just about anyone looking to get themselves an iPod dock with speakers, or the convenience of wireless speakers with another sound source. Unless you dem...
Wireless performance; general usefulness; simple to use; well-implemented features
Sound quality; price
The Griffin Evolve is a brilliant idea and nice enough to use. Sound qualitys very average, but overall its a lovely little system with lots of potential applications ...
Abstract: iPod speaker docks are 10 a penny these days but Griffins Evolve is different. Its speakers are completely wireless, which means that they can be placed anywhere within 150ft of the docking station. The speakers measure 140 x 140 x 140mm and each cont...
Une vague de minimalisme a frappé les concepteurs de lEvolve, de Griffin. Chaque surface est lisse, composée de lignes et darêtes douces, couverte de noir laqué, de blanc «Apple» ou de métal. La base est fine, avec en son centre le berceau de liPod ...
Abstract: I sina bästa stunder, när högtalarna sitter i laddningsstationen, låter Evolve riktigt bra med enklare musik. Både popdängor och akustisk musik kommer till sin rätt tack vare ett bra mellanregister och en godkänd diskant. Blåsinstrument kan dock låta lite skrälliga så jazz och klassiskt är inte de bästa genrerna för denna apparat...
Abstract: Griffin har fattat att det är trådlöst som gäller, vem vill inte ha högtalare utan störande sladdar? Med Evolve slipper du trasslet och kan placera högtalarna precis var du vill - maximal frihet. ...
Abstract: I sine beste stunder – når høyttalerne sitter i ladingsstasjonen – låter Evolve ordentlig bra med enkel musikk. Både popsanger og akustisk musikk kommer til sin rett, takket være et bra mellomregister og en godkjent diskant..