
Projection TVs

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Projection TV Buyer’s Guide

One of the advantages of projection TVs over traditional CRT TVs is that they can provide a bigger picture. Although the technology behind the two systems is very similar, the main difference is that projection TVs create a small picture, like a CRT TV, and then using a beam of light project the image to a much greater size.

In this expert guide the different types of projection TVs are explained as well as the features you can expect from the projection TVs within the various price ranges.

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JVC HD-70G886

Last published: 2005-09-01
1 Reviews

Samsung HL-M617W

Last published: 2005-01-01
1 Reviews

Sony KDS-60XBR2

Last published: 2006-11-01
2 Reviews

Hitachi 43FDX01

Last published: 2005-01-01
1 Reviews

Zenith D60WLCD

Last published: 2005-01-01
1 Reviews

Mitsubishi WD-52627

Last published: 2005-09-01
3 Reviews

Sony KDS-70CQ006

Last published: 2005-07-01
3 Reviews

Hitachi 65XWX20B

Last published: 2005-01-01
1 Reviews

Sony KDF-E50A11

Last published: 2006-09-15
1 Reviews

Optoma RD50

Last published: 2006-01-01
1 Reviews

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