At Rs 47,990, the LG G3 is a good pick as far as flagship Androids go. It has a rock-solid feature set backed up by very good design and build quality which makes it highly recommendable. The 2K display is not going to change your life to be honest and tr...
Abstract: LG has launched its flagship smartphone G3 in India. The 16GB variant of the LG G3 is priced at Rs 47,990 while the 32GB version will get you down by Rs. 50,990. The highlight of this smartphone is that it packs in Quad-HD (2560x1440p) display.The other s...
LG G3 has been launched for Rs. xxxx and it comes as a package of great hardware and software bundled together. It's a great choice for some one looking to buy a premium phone in terms of the looks and performance. The only thing we would see improve on t...
Great design and build quality, despite the use of plastics, The most usable 5.5″ device, Loudspeaker performance is brilliant for listening to music, Better camera performance with help from Laser AF and OIS+, A good shift in design for software, LG keyb
Display is noticeably better but comes with a lot of implications, 2 GB RAM variant might not be enough, go for the 32 GB/3 GB one, limited free RAM might be due to Quad HD resolution, Performance takes a beating, apps take time to load, Battery life fall
It all comes down to this – Quad HD display. Was it really necessary for LG to go down this route? Lets be honest here. LG makes great displays, be it TVs or phones, and we have always liked them, even on the yesteryear Optimus G where certain things were...
Abstract: Galaxy S5, Xperia Z2, HTC One M8... The flagship battle for 2014 is still open, with the Lumia 930 and new iPhone yet to debut. Now LG G3 has thrown its hat in the ring, with the chaebol unveiling the hugely anticipated G3 for the Indian market along wit...
Brilliant Display, Revamped UI, Powerful and Fast Camera, Lag Free Experience
Size may be an Issue
LG G3 Hands-On and First Look: ProcessorThe G3 adopts the same Snapdragon 801 quad-core processor, 32GB of internal storage and 3GB of RAM. In fact, it's the same Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 CPU and Adreno 330 GPU pairing that we've seen on major devices rele...
Brilliant Display, Revamped UI, Powerful and Fast Camera, Lag Free Experience
Size may be an Issue
In the phone, next to the microSD card slot you'll find fitted a massive 3,000mAh removable battery that comes with the assurance that you will never run out of juice. However, we are still waiting to test out the battery in its full glory.However, going by...
Brilliant Display, Revamped UI, Powerful and Fast Camera, Lag Free Experience
Size may be an Issue
However, going by...In the phone, next to the microSD card slot you'll find fitted a massive 3,000mAh removable battery that comes with the assurance that you will never run out of juice. However, we are still waiting to test out the battery in its full glory...
At Rs 47,990, the LG G3 is a good pick as far as flagship Androids go. It has a rock-solid feature set backed up by very good design and build quality which makes it highly recommendable. The 2K display is not going to change your life to be honest and tr...