Abstract: LG G3 LG의 2014년 플래그십 스마트폰 G3가 출시되었습니다. 정식 공개 전, G시리즈의 아이덴티티라 할 수 있는 후면 버튼과 더불어 메탈릭 느낌의 스킨에 섬세한 디테일을 보여주는 디자인이 공개되었던 영상은 사람들의 시선을 집중시켰습니다. 뿐만 아니라 국내 최초로 Quad HD(2560x1440)의 고해상도 디스플레이를 탑재한 스마트폰이라는 점도 많은 관심을 받았는데요, 외형 디자인부터 살펴보도록 하겠습니다. LG G3 디자인 ...
Abstract: 제품 출시가 아직 많이 남은걸로 아는데 하반기 LG전자의 하반기 주력 제품이 될 LG G3가 불라가리아 사이트에서 목업이 공개되더니 기타 다른 IT매체에서도 G3에 대한 기사가 많네요.현재 알려진 정보에 의하면 디스플레이에서 변화로 QHD(2560*1440) 해상도를 가지고 있습니다.단말기를 직접 봤다는 불가리아 블로거 닉산발(Nixanbal)의 이야기에 의하면 디스플레이가 아주 인상적 이었다고 합니다. 지금까지 출시된 스마트폰중 QHD 해상도를 지원하...
With the only prior experience of owning an LG phone being the LG Shine, I wasn't sure what to expect. But the G3 is a pleasant surprise and has a lot going for it with very few weaknesses. It has a great camera, a stunning display and the ultra thin beze...
Abstract: The LG G3 was one of the best smartphones of 2014, but that doesn't meant the company didn't have anything to improve upon for its followup flagship. The brand new G4 brings some of the best specifications we've ever seen on a smartphone, but so did last...
Abstract: Launched in May 2014, the LG G3 was LG's strongest effort against Samsung's Android dominance at the time. An impressive upgrade over its predecessor, the LG G2, it was a competent device with a bustling specs sheet and clever, understated design. Perhap...
Abstract: With the new LG G4 around we are sure you are looking at the LG G3 and wondering if its worth the upgrade. We tried to make your decision a little easier. We put the G4 up against the G3 in our latest comparison!Don't forget to VOTE! Each week, PhoneDog F...
Abstract: Today is the last day to enter the LG G3 and LG VR giveaway that started on April 17th !Entries will close TONIGHT, May 1st, 2015 at 11:59pm Eastern Time. Winner will be chosen at random from the pool of entries. There will be 5 winners in total, and each...
Abstract: The LG G3 has been around for about a year now and while the media of the world is awaiting the arrival of the LG G4 , we are going to take a look back at the G3.Don't forget to VOTE! Each week, PhoneDog Fans vote for their #1 smartphone in the Official S...
Abstract: Just a year ago, the LG G3 was a new smartphone that seemed mighty impressive with its hardware parameters and attractive design. And while the G3 is still a great phone, the new Samsung Galaxy S6 is in a league of its own, sporting a premium build and a...
Abstract: Just a year ago, the LG G3 was a new smartphone that seemed mighty impressive with its hardware parameters and attractive design. And while the G3 is still a great phone, the new Samsung Galaxy S6 edge is far ahead of what LG could come up with in 2014. ...