Abstract: 순간포착의 달인 캐논 EOS 7D markⅡ플래그십(Flag ship )은 해군 함대에서 사령관이 타고 있는 배를 말한다. 제품을 만드는 회사는 라인업에서 가장 뛰어난 모델에 이 명칭을 붙이곤 한다. 캐논이 E OS 7D m arkⅡ를 출시하면서 A P S -C 사이즈 플래그십 모델이라고 발표했다. 캐논 APS-C 사이즈 최고급 모델은 과연 어떠한 성능을 가지고 있을까?제품사양 <가격 : 209만9000원>유효 화소수 약 2020만 화소이미지프로세서 D...
Abstract: Canon vs Nikon: which DSLR system is best? A question that has frustrated many of the world's greatest philosophers and may even have troubled the UN… Our in-depth comparison examines each system's cameras, lenses, key features and much more.Who makes the...
Abstract: Many DSLRs can perform not only the capture of large, high quality still images in the ultimate RAW format but some models can now also record Full High Definition video with 1920×1080 resolution.For me, the asking price of the Canon EOS 7D and an appropr...
Bright, large optical viewfinder with 100% viewfinder coverage, A picture quality you would expect from a prosumer camera, Additional sealing against dust and water, Fast autofocus and with 8 frames per second fast image processing
Support CameraStuffReview and buy your camera hereFor proper performance enable JavaScript. Pages: 1Powered by Tools JX.ProsumerYear:2009Overall score:5.5Resolution:5.5Dynamic Range:6.7Noise:7.5Color:8.3Whitebalance:6.5Megapixels:18Sensor:APSCSensor...
Abstract: The question I’m getting the most since diving into the 5D world has been about “that infamous focusing issue”. I don’t think it would have been so infamous if the 7D hadn’t come out with such kickass focusing but now that everyone knows the possibili...
Abstract: More versatility in both image quality and general performance make the difference for the Canon EOS 7D, which comes out as the overall winner
Abstract: Many photographers were a tad confused about the positioning of Canon’s new 7D when it was announced to the market. Seemingly, it was considered to be an upgrade to the existing 50D range of camera, but what Canon have, actually, done is given the s...
Abstract: The future is here. For years (decades, even?), low-budget filmmakers have dreamed of being able to achieve the look of film without the headache and cost of film equipment, processing etc. Over the past decade we've seen digital cinema grow and develo...