Testseek.com have collected 88 expert reviews of the Fractal Design Celsius S24 water cooling kit and the average rating is 86%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Fractal Design Celsius S24 water cooling kit.
May 2017
88 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
Abstract: CPU도 덥다고 비명지르는 무더운 계절, 여름이 찾아왔다. 여름에는 CPU 구매시 기본 제공되는 번들 쿨러를 쓰는 유저라면 한번 쯤 사제쿨러 구입에 대해 고민한다. 평소의 날씨라면 충분히 감당 가능했던 번들 쿨러가 여름만 되면 고 RPM으로 구동되어 마치 살려달라고 외치듯이 매우 시끄럽기 때문이다.번들 쿨러 혹은 더 좋은 성능을 원하는 사제 쿨러 유저에게 있어 일체형 수냉 쿨러는 괜찮은 선택 중 하나가 될 수 있다. 일반 공냉 쿨러 대비 일정 이상의 온...
Abstract: PC를 장기적으로 운용할 때 가장 중요한 부분은 바로 발열이다. 모든 반도체에서는 작동과 함께 발열이 동반되기 때문에 이를 어떻게 잘 제어하는지가 안정성에 큰 영향을 끼친다. 아무리 좋은 프로세서나 그래픽카드, 메모리 등을 장착하더라도 냉각이 제대로 이뤄지지 않으면 과도한 발열로 인해 시스템이 정지되거나 제대로 구동되지 않는 등의 문제가 생긴다. 오버클럭과 같은 반도체 제품의 잠재력을 끌어낼 때에도 냉각장치의 역할은 더욱 부각된다. 기본 작동속도 이상...
What to say about this cooler that I haven't already covered? It now takes pride of place in my PC, replacing the NH-U12S. To be fair, this is more because I was getting a little tired of swapping coolers about. I would be happy with both. However, as a f...
Very good performance, Fairly quiet, Exceptional clearance, Easy to install, Very good build quality, Unique features, Solid warranty, AM4 and TR4 support
Pump only has a flow rate of 40 l/h, Pump fittings not removable, Fan hub is somewhat limited
The Fractal Design Celsius S24 has an MSRP of $109.99. Very good performance Fairly quiet Exceptional clearance Easy to install Very good build quality Unique features Solid warranty AM4 and TR4 support Pump only has a flow rate of 40 l/h Pump fit...
At the end of the day, I do like what Fractal has going on with their Celsius S24. I still prefer custom loops when possible but while they are Asetek based, they did manage to add a little Fractal style to the kit. The black and white fans were quali...
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Published: 2017-06-02, Author: E. , review by: anandtech.com
Fractal Design released the new Celsius coolers with the aim of bringing an all-around competitive product into the market while staying true to the company's motto - “less is more”. The Celsius coolers are aesthetically simple, without RGB lighting and f...
Published: 2017-05-10, Author: Sebastian , review by: pcper.com
Out of the box Fractal Design's Celsius S24 is a well built, extremely quiet liquid CPU cooler that offers pretty good performance. While the Auto setting suffered under heavy loads, simply controlling the CPU fan profile manually (with the PWM pass-throu...
Published: 2017-05-10, Author: Gary , review by: overclock3d.net
Both the S24 and the S36 performed admirably. OK, so they're not chart toppers, but they are well up there, and more importantly with regards to the hopefully now familiar holy trinity of cooler testing, not only do they do the job, but they are really v...
Published: 2017-05-10, Author: Thomas , review by: tomshardware.com
Best CPU cooling performance, Good acoustic performance, Standard G1/4 fittings for adding components, Generous 5year warranty, Lowestpriced prefilled kit
No fill port, Low flow rating
The best performing CPU cooler we've tested in two years, the Celsius S24's low flow ratings prevent us from recommending it to the expandable kit market without further testing. Superb performance instead earns the Celsius S24 our general stamp of ap...
Good overall performance, Very quiet, Uses real metal fittings, Can be expanded, Price
No software controls, No lighting
Fractal Design has presented their brand new all-in-one liquid cooling series the Celsius. These days all of these all-in-one coolers are very much a like, but Fractal Design has done some things with the Celsius to separate it from many of the other cool...