Testseek.com have collected 103 expert reviews of the Corsair Strafe RGB Cherry MX and the average rating is 83%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Corsair Strafe RGB Cherry MX.
September 2015
103 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
Abstract: 이번에 동생컴에 달아줄 CORSAIR STRAFE 적축을 구매했습니다.기존 제가 쓰고 있는 제품은 CORSAIR GAMIMG K65 RGB 적축인데요같은 적축이라도 좀 다르더라구요. 한번 알아보겠습니다~CORSAIR STRAFE 박스포장 전면에서 가장 눈에 띄는 범선로고!그리고 체리사의 적축을 사용했다는 표시가 눈에 들어오네요.(요즘 값싼 중국산 Kailh축을 많이 사용하지만 기계식 축은 역시 체리죠!!)간단하게 기능적인 부분이 소개되어있는 CORSA...
Abstract: CORSAIR STRAFE (소개)STRAFE (저공비행을 하면서) 폭격을 가하다오늘 소개할 제품은 CORSAIR 社의 새로운 키보드 STRAFE 키보드이다.CORSAIR 社의 기존 키보드 라인업인 K 시리즈와는 다른 라인업으로 제작되는 키보드로 K 라인업 과 다른 컨셉 및 디자인으로 새로이 선보이는 키보드이다.STRAFE 키보드는 현재 Cherry 社의 갈축과 적축으로 제작되고 있지만 국내에는 적축만 들어온 상 황이며 STRAFE 라는 단어 뜻인...
Abstract: 게임방에 설치된 PC부품을 자세히 살펴보면 예전과는 사뭇 다른 분위기가 느껴진다. 퍼포먼스만을 고려해 최신 프로세서와 그래픽카드 대용량 메모리 등을 지원하는데 그치던 예전과 달리 고가의 게이밍 키보드나 마우스를 설치해 놓은 곳이 무척 많아졌다.데스크탑PC의 퍼포먼스가 상향 평준화 되어 있는 최근에는 키보드나 마우스의 퀄리티에 따라 승패가 결정되는 경우가 많아 다소 고가임에도 불구하고 게이밍 전용 기기를 설치하는 것이라 생각한다. (키보드 때문에 특정...
Plug and play right out of the box. Only the lighting won't be preconfigured though the default is red all over the keyboard, The keyboard is built to last and can take a few bumps though it is advisable not to, This keyboard comes with its own key pulle
Corsair should start bundling Windows 10 software and driver along with its peripherals now that Windows 10 is widely used. You will have to search online for the STRAFE driver and CUE software that controls the keyboard settings and macros, CUE software
Corsair is a brand name that you can depend on. Be it gaming accessories, RAM kits or power supplies – the name Corsair inspires confidence. The same applies to the Corsair STRAFE, which is evident from the moment you pick it up. Well built, lightweight w...
Abstract: Keyboards and mice are the only things that almost every PC user touches every day, but we don't often pay that much attention to the quality of these devices, and I am one of those that simply goes for the cheapest set that I can find. The reason behind...
Abstract: In our most recent product review, we looked at the Logitech G502 Proteus Core and compared it to two of Logitech's most popular mice in history, the G5 and G9x. The G502 came away the clear winner in a number of ways, including balance, hand feel, smooth...
Published: 2015-10-30, Author: Matthew , review by: pcmag.com
Reasonable price, Mechanical keyboard with per-key backlighting, Customizable visual effects, Full individual-key and macro programming, USB pass-through,
Red backlighting only, No wrist rest
Though it may lack a few of the high-end extras offered by more expensive models, the Corsair Strafe Mechnical Gaming Keyboard is well made, customizable, and affordable...
Great build quality, goodlooking design, LED controller, authentic Cherry switches, USB passthrough.
Lack of dedicated media keys, still $110, lack of aluminum chassis, no wrist rest, difficult key caps
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Published: 2015-10-14, Author: Steven , review by: techspot.com
Abstract: Not that long ago gamers had a rather limited choice of keyboards, particularly mechanical ones, and most were too expensive for the masses. However, most recently there's been an explosion of gaming-oriented mechanical keyboards, many of which could be c...