Testseek.com have collected 58 expert reviews of the Asus Rampage 4 Black Edition and the average rating is 91%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Asus Rampage 4 Black Edition.
February 2014
58 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
Abstract: 올블랙 컨셉의 ASUS ROG 메인보드. ASUS RAMPAGE Ⅳ Black Edition STCOM ASUS 의 최상의 게이밍 메인보드의 위치를 차지하고 있는 RAMPAGE(이하 렘페이지) 시리즈에서 큰 상징이었던 레드 컬러를 제외한 블랙 에디션이 출시되었다. ASUS 렘페이지 4 블랙 에디션은 알루미늄 히트 싱크과 메모리 슬롯, PCI Express 슬롯등을 모두 블랙 컬러로 디자인하여 하이엔드의 묵직한 느낌을 그대로 담아내었다. ASUS 렘페이지...
Abstract: 지난 해 출시된 ASUS RAMPAGE IV EXTREME은 극도의 오버클러킹에도 버틸 수 있는 전원부와 OSD Tweakle 및 OSD 모니터 등의 기능이 포함된 OC Key, 시스템 온도를 정밀하게 측정할 수 있는 SUBZERO SENSE 그리고 4-Way 기술, 8개의 메모리 슬롯 등을 지원하는 메인보드이다.이를 통해 ASUS RAMPAGE IV EXTREME은 극한의 오버클럭을 시도하는 사용자는 물론 일반적인 대중들에게까지 호평을 받았다. 그리고...
Conclusion RAMPAGE IV EXTREME 의 후속 최상위 보드인 ASUS RAMPAGE IV Black Edition 는 Intel Ivy Bridge-E 최적화된 Extreme Engine Digi+ III CPU+DRAM 통합형 디지털 8+3+2 Phase 전원부 설계와 전원부 히트싱크의 효율이기존 X79 ROG 시리즈보다 굉장히 높아졌기 때문에 Intel Ivy Bridge-E 프로세서의 오버클럭킹 안정성과 오버클럭킹 잠...
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Published: 2014-06-02, Author: Bruno , review by: reviewstudio.net
best aspect, easy and excellent UEFI interface, best performance, best overclocking, excellent power consumption, plenty of accessories, excellent price/performance ratio
A flagship is the best motherboard a manufacturer has. It should integrate all the new modern features, and also be capable to be used in extreme gaming and overclocking scenarios.Asus Rampage IV Black Edition comes to bring a new powerful platform for ga...
Abstract: As soon as some time passes without ASUS giving their competition a “homework”, we can safely expect an avalanche of exclusive products. This time it's the new motherboard which will make most of overclockers around the world drool. When we say Rampage IV...
The Rampage IV Black Edition is an extremely well built motherboard with a ton of features. This motherboard currently sells for around $500 from Amazon and Tiger Direct. Obviously this motherboard is built for a very narrow segment of users and therefore...
The return of the trusted BLACK EDITION ROG SKU for those looking to get the most out of Intel's X79 and IVB-E CPUs, Packed with high-end features to keep your system stable, Excellent stock and overclocked performance, Optimized DIMM trace layout for mem
Not many want to pay $500 for a motherboard, Huge amount of options can be overwhelming, No Intel Thunderbolt, A bit late to the X79 Express game
The ASUS RAMPAGE IV BLACK EDITION is available for about $499.99. The return of the trusted BLACK EDITION ROG SKU for those looking to get the most out of Intel's X79 and IVB-E CPUs Packed with high-end features to keep your system stable Excellent stock...
ASUS has an incredible good looking, feature rich and tweaking wise, impressive offering at hand with their Rampage IV Black Edition. The thing is so feature rich that we can't even explain everything it has to offer! The 10 SATA ports are very sweet, si...
Published: 2014-01-05, Author: Ian , review by: anandtech.com
High end products position themselves in a precarious place – they have to live up to their price point, but also not price themselves out of the market. When dealing with the X79 platform, where the six core processors cost $560-$999, price can still be ...