Testseek.com have collected 52 expert reviews of the Asus ROG Maximus 11 Gene and the average rating is 87%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Asus ROG Maximus 11 Gene.
May 2019
52 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
Abstract: 코잇에서 유통중인 ASUS 메인보드 중 하이엔드 모델 (ROG/TUF) 구매가이드 이번 공식 리뷰 시간에는 단순 제품 리뷰가 아닌 코잇에서 유통 중인 ASUS 메인보드 선택하는 법에 대해서 알아보고자 한다. ASUS(에이수스)는 새로운 디지털 세상을 이끌어 나가고 있는 선도 기업으로 마더보드, 노트북, 넷북, 멀티미디어, 그래픽카드, 디스플레이, 데스크탑 PC, 서버, 무선 솔루션, 휴대폰, 네트워크 기기 등 IT 디바이스와 솔루션들을 통해 새로운 디지...
Abstract: 간단 소개대부분, 거의 모든 메인보드 제품명에는 칩셋이 들어가기 마련이다. 예를들면 ~~~ Z390 / ~~~ H310 이렇게 말이다.하지만, 그렇지 않은 제품들도 있는데, 대표적으로 ASUS ROG의 하이엔드 메인보드들이 그러한 모습을 보여주며, 이 메인보드들은 제품들의 아이덴티티가 뚜렷하여 칩셋명이 들어가지 않아도 유저들이 제품에 대하여 파악하는데 전혀 문제가 없는 인지도를 보유하였다.이번에 리뷰로 소개할 메인보드 역시 이러한...
Abstract: 제품 소개 이번에 소개할 제품은 에이수스에서 출시한 ASUS ROG MAXIMUS XI GENE 메인보드이다. 에이수스의 하이엔드 게이밍 브랜드인 ROG에 속해있는 ROG 막시무스는 미니폼팩터의 대표격인 'GENE' 시리즈로 출시되었다. 일반적인 M-ATX규격인 24.4Cm x 24.4Cm 사이즈가 아닌 24.4Cm x 22.6Cm의 사이즈로 미니 시스템에서 오버클럭을 하고자하는 게이머들에게는 최고의 제품이라고 하겠다. 12페이즈의 전원부와 거대...
Abstract: The Intel Core i9-9900K may have been released in 2018, but it still shines today as being one of the fastest CPUs on the market. At around $380, the i9-9900K is still a good choice if you are trying to build a gaming PC and you're on a budget. And if you...
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Published: 2019-01-27, Author: Tom , review by: overclock3d.net
There is an awful lot to like about the ASUS Z390 Maximus XI Gene, and some things that are less likely to make you smile.A consistent theme in all of the recent motherboard reviews is how both AMD and Intel have managed to iron out those differences that...
Published: 2018-12-22, Author: Thomas , review by: tomshardware.com
Includes CPU-connected dual M.2 adapter card, Supports two PCH-connected M.2 drives, plus an x4 card, PCIe x4 slot is open-ended, Downward-facing headers for graphics cooler clearance, Supports Double-Capacity DRAM,
Only two DIMM slots, Doesn't support dual graphics cards in x8/x8 mode, No legacy SATA M.2 support, despite having only four SATA ports, Enabling CPU storage drops PCIe x16 slot to x8 mode
If you're looking for a Micro ATX motherboard that supports four SATA drives, an x4 storage card and a triple-slot graphics card simultaneously, you're looking for the ROG Maximus XI Gene...
Published: 2018-10-08, Author: Tom , review by: overclock3d.net
Abstract: We've barely recovered from the launch of the nVidia RTX range of graphics cards than the new Intel 9th Generation CPUs are due to appear. If you've been following the market for any length of time at all you'll understand that a new CPU always comes wi...
Extensive tuning and monitoring capabilities, Best audio platform going around, Well-considered layout and good build quality, 4xM.2 slots, Practical Utility software, Double Capacity DIMM support
Extensive tuning and monitoring capabilities, Best audio platform going around, Well-considered layout and good build quality, 4xM.2 slots, Practical Utility software, Double Capacity DIMM support, The price of an almost perfect motherboard is going to be
The ROG Maximus XI Gene has been the talk of the Z390 motherboard market and for good reason - it's the first sub-ATX board we've seen from Asus in a while that isn't afraid to tweak a tried and tested design in an attempt to be different and offer someth...
Includes CPU-connected dual M.2 adapter card, Supports two PCH-connected M.2 drives, plus an x4 card, PCIe x4 slot is open-ended, Downward-facing headers for graphics cooler clearance, Supports Double-Capacity DRAM,
Only two DIMM slots, Doesn't support dual graphics cards in x8/x8 mode, No legacy SATA M.2 support, despite having only four SATA ports, Enabling CPU storage drops PCIe x16 slot to x8 mode
If you're looking for a Micro ATX motherboard that supports four SATA drives, an x4 storage card and a triple-slot graphics card simultaneously, you're looking for the ROG Maximus XI Gene...