Abstract: If you play sports games, then you know that it's not often that you'll experience a lot of improvements in a particular series from year to year. Upgrades are marginal at best, if you can call a new roster an upgrade. Sometimes, it's best to wait a f...
Abstract: In football, few matches cause the pulse to race as much as a tense local derby. These hotly contested encounters are given an additional degree of interest by fans purely for territorial reasons - as the name suggests, the proximity of the two teams i...
FIFA 09 bietet Fussball-Spaß für Groß und Klein. Die Grafik ist gelungen und die Steuerung schnell zu erlernen. Der neue Spielmodus „Be-A-Pro“ überzeugt auf ganzer Linie und zeigt, dass immer noch Potenzial in der FIFA-Serie steckt. Leider ist der Kom...
Abstract: Med Ronaldinho och Rooney som reklampelare vill FIFA 09 ta steget mot en mer verklig och äkta fotboll. Som vanligt bjuds på ansiktslyft grafik, lite bättre känsla i spelarna och skickligare datormotståndare men för ovanlighetens skull har man inte nö...