Abstract: DLC는 다운로드 가능한 콘텐츠 (Downloadable content)의 줄임말로, 게임사는 DLC를 통해 출시 후 새로운 수익 창출을 기대할 수 있게 됐다. 또한, 차후 게임 완성도를 높여 게임의 LTV 곡선을 성장시킬 수 있게 했다. F2P에 버금가는 혁신적인 모델이 생긴 것이다. 그러나 이와 같은 장점에도 질 낮은 DLC의 범람으로 사용자들은 불만과 피로도를 표현하기 시작했다. '하트 오브 아이언' 시리즈처럼 응당 패치로 추가되어야 할 내용이...
Abstract: 문화 장르 중에서 '디스토피아'나 '코즈믹 호러'라고 불리는 장르가 있다. 이들의 주된 흐름은 그냥 매우 안 좋은 상황 및 설정의 총집합. 인류가 단위 차원에서 기본이고 주인공은 무조건 비극의 중심이 되는 매우 자학적인 셋팅이 가미되는 그러한 것인데. 매우 성격이 긍정적인 사람도 가끔은 이런 어둠의 세계에 빠져들 때가 있곤 한다.게임 분야에서 이러한 속성을 극단적으로 펼치는 것으로 '호러' 계열이 자리매김하고 있지만 다른 장르에서도 꽤 차용되는 컨셉...
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Published: 2016-11-12, Author: Daniel , review by: gamezone.com
Performance issues aside, XCOM 2 is a great Strategy game, and if a PS4 or an Xbox One is your only means of playing games, you won't regret picking up the game by how well it is designed. All of the port's issues are fixable via patch, and given the fact...
Published: 2016-05-13, Author: Nicholas , review by: gamecrate.com
Abstract: XCOM 2 released earlier this year to widepsread acclaim, but since it's very much the kind of game you grind away at, playing again and again as you try to conquer more challenging difficulty settings, the fight against the alien occupying force can lose...
Published: 2016-02-26, Author: Bruno , review by: Techreport.com
Few games have left me as conflicted as XCOM 2 when it's come time to issue a verdict, so I'll drop two instead. On the one hand, XCOM 2 is a fun, addictive, fast-paced game that remains mostly within the bounds of the previous installments in the series...
Abstract: After Firaxis revived the long-dormant XCOM franchise by way of the stunning return to form that was XCOM: Enemy Unknown, the big question in the minds of fans eventually became “So, what's next?” While the original X-COM: UFO Defense was a ground-breakin...
XCOM 2 is a bigger, deeper and more replayable follow-up to the successful 2012 reboot that, despite some technical issues, should provide hours of fun to fans of the series...
Published: 2016-02-16, Author: Matt , review by: wargamer.com
Abstract: Strategy games are, at their roots, just logic puzzles. It doesn't matter how much story or graphics or complexity you throw on top. All that does is disguise the puzzle and make it harder and more interesting to crack. So, like all puzzles, they have sol...