Testseek.com have collected 15 expert reviews of the Tom Clancys Splinter Cell: Blacklist and the average rating is 78%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Tom Clancys Splinter Cell: Blacklist.
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Published: 2013-09-25, Author: Matt , review by: pcmag.com
All new customizable Spies vs. Mercs online multiplayer competitive mode. Custom build-outs. Increased gameplay variety (Ghost, Assault, Panther styles) in single-player story mode.
Long load times. Repetitive and sometimes tedious game play. Short single-player story mode
Splinter Cell Blacklist is everything you've always loved (or hated) about the franchise with the addition of new competitive multiplayer Spies vs. Mercs modes....
Published: 2013-08-14, Author: Kevin , review by: gamespot.com
Tense and exciting cooperative missions, Excellent competitive play gets the adrenaline flowing, The best missions invite you to experiment with guns and gadgets, Great highstakes atmosphere pulls you into the core conflict
Various campaign idiosyncrasies disrupt the flow, Sam has lost some of his edge
Published: 2013-08-14, Author: Kevin , review by: gamespot.com
Tense and exciting cooperative missions, Excellent competitive play gets the adrenaline flowing, The best missions invite you to experiment with guns and gadgets, Great highstakes atmosphere pulls you into the core conflict
Various campaign idiosyncrasies disrupt the flow, Sam has lost some of his edge
Graphics, Singleplayer & coop campaigns, Online gameplay, New gadgets & guns, Indepth player customization, Currency system
Multiplayer is still very buggy, Some missions do become repetitive, Long load times, Online ranking stops at 56, Lack of online map variety
Overall, I found Splinter Cell Blacklist to be a refreshingly solid game overall and I enjoyed every minute I spent playing it. You really can't find any titles on the market that offer the same type of unique gameplay and the revamped controls are a bree...
Splinter Cell Blacklist is everything you've always loved (or hated) about the franchise with the addition of new competitive multiplayer Spies vs. Mercs modes....
Abstract: Sam Fisher bergantung di bawah sebuah jendela rumah di sebuah daerah di Irak. Di atasnya, seorang penjaga asik ngobrol dengan teman-temannya dalam bahasa Arab. Beberapa saat yang lalu, prajurit yang sama berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris yang mulus. Ubisoft...
Abstract: 28OktEindelijk was het zo ver na lang wachten kon ik eindelijk aan de slag met de nieuwste Splinter Cell game. Deze game is één van de top stealth game series waar velen op hebben gewacht. Of dit ook daadwerkelijk zo’n top game is geworden?Het verhaalI...
Zurück zu den Wurzeln von Chaos Theory und weg von Conviction? So darf man Blacklist sicherlich nicht sehen. Es erfolgte vielmehr ein Spagat zwischen beiden Wegen und der ist aus unserer Sicht durchaus recht gut gelungen. Darüber hinaus bleibt Splinter Ce...
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Published: 2013-07-16, Author: Philipp , review by: hardwareluxx.de
Ubisoft erfindet mit Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist das Rad nicht neu. Aber gerade das ist die große Stärke dieses Serienteils. Auf größere Experimente wird verzichtet, dafür werden die Stärken der Serie in den Vordergrund gerückt. Je nach Vorlie...
Analizzando Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist, non possiamo negare di aver riscontrato un notevole passo in avanti rispetto a quello che è riuscito ad esprimere il precedente episodio. Conviction infatti pur essendo un gioco di discreta qualità, regal...