WWE 2K18 for the Switch wasn't ready to be released, plain and simple. The degree of slowdown in any match type with more than two people in the ring at the same time is simply unacceptable. Add onto that the weird audio glitches and an overall lack of po...
Over 170 wrestlers the most ever in a WWE 2K game, 8man matches add lots of sweaty chaos, MyCareer now has freeroaming sections and online matches
Still no decent tutorial, The freeroaming portion of MyCareer sometimes slows down severely on Xbox, Loading times are excessive and really slow the pace of the game
Published: 2017-10-16, Author: Sean , review by: cheatcc.com
Abstract: I'm going to be honest here; The last time I watched a professional wrestling match, it was still called the World Wrestling Federation. Triple H, The Rock, and “Stone Cold” Steve Austin were in their glory days, Chris Jericho had just come onto the scene...
Creation suite is ridiculously big and diverse, Looks really nice, MyCareer is much better, Plays as good as ever
Hasn't evolved that much, Technical issues remain, Universe Mode feels left behind
The new graphics engine and revamped modes may not be enough to stave off a sense of stagnation to the core gameplay for series veterans, but for the more casual fan there's so much content here to enjoy that it still feels fun.I really enjoyed every matc...
2K's fifth WWE game has all the style and none of the substance of WWE games of old. All show and no actual in-ring talent, everything new in WWE 2K18 is quickly superseded by an uneven graphics engine and a career mode that's certified G for Grody.WWE 2K...
WWE 2K18's massive roster and expanded match area provide for many fantasy clashes between superstars of various eras, but a few underlying issues may affect the attention span of its fans...
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Published: 2017-10-24, Author: Christoph , review by: gamezoom.net
flüssige Animationen, schicke Locations, hübsche, neue Wrestler, stimmiger Soundtrack, eingängige Spielmechanik, meist gute Steuerung, solide KI, Statuswerte an echte Wrestler angelehnt, 170 Wrestler, zahlreiche Spielmodi, umfangreicher Editor, Road-to-Gl
Qualität der Texturen, viele Clipping- und Physikfehler, hässliche, alte Wrestler, keine Sprachausgabe bei Dialogen, nerviges Kontersystem, leicht überfrachtete Steuerung, enttäuschender Karrieremodus, unnötige Lootboxen
Traurig aber wahr: Mittlerweile bekommt man bei der 2K-WWE-Serie nur noch ein jährliches Fan-Update zum Vollpreis geboten. Ein paar neue Wrestler hier, ein paar Anpassungen an der Steuerung dort - fertig ist der nächste WWE2Kxx-Ableger. Entwicklerteam Yuk...
Langsam mag ich es mir wirklich nicht mehr ansehen, wie die einst tolle Reihe ihrem Denkmal Jahr für Jahr einen weiteren Riss zufügt. Trotz der neuen Beleuchtungs-Engine, die Visual Concepts dieses Jahr beisteuerte, staubt und ächzt es an allen Ecken. All...