In order to isolate the quality of the DVD/CD player’s audio performance I kept a couple of other line-level sources on hand including the superior Esoteric X-05 CD/SACD player—a recipient of a Golden Ear Award in this issue. What this compari...
Although we initially baulked at the DVDi10's eye-popping price tag, after spending time in its company we can now see and hear where your money's going. The picture and sound quality on offer is nothing short of sensational, while the bulletproof build q...
Abstract: 2.395 EUR kostet der Primare DVDI10 - für einen Stereo-DVD-Receiver zugegebenermaßen ein stolzer Preis. Allerdings bekommt der Käufer des wahlweise in Titan oder Schwarz lieferbaren Gerätes auch viel geboten fürs investierte Geld. Mit neu entwickeltem,...